Bicycle Injuries

Not your ordinary personal injury lawyer…

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Lots of personal injury lawyers do a volume business:  they sign up as many clients as they can and take a cut out of lots and lots of cases that they can settle quickly.  They trawl for all kinds of cases and all kinds of injuries.  Not me.  I’m a bike lawyer.

I ride with you.  I ride the roads and I ride long.  I ride city streets and mountain climbs.  I’ve taken the time to learn about bicycle infrastructure and street design, “bikenomics” and bikelash.  I teach safe cycling and I teach motorists how to drive more safely around cyclists.

To me, you’re not just a client—you’re one of my tribe.

I don’t take lots of cases. Instead, I spend the time to get to know you as a cyclist, your passion and endurance, your life and identity on the bike.  And I use that knowledge to negotiate vigorously for fair compensation for you when you’ve been injured in a bicycle crash.

I know the ins and outs of insurance coverage and how to get the most out of an at-fault motorist’s or other wrongdoer’s policy—and even money from your own insurance company.  I spent more than 20 years litigating insurance disputes in court and in settlement talks—part of that working for insurers and learning their penny pinching tricks, but also recovering millions of dollars from insurance companies who wrongfully denied my clients’ legitimate claims.

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